Set forth herein below are the ‘Blogging-Website and Social Media Policy’-Consumer Version
Guidelines for Representing JUST LED US on the Internet
If you are an employee or independent sales rep of the company and are writing a blog that will reference the company in any way (includes mentioning our products, services, and competitors), the blog or website must state that your opinions are yours alone and are not those of the company.
As a courtesy, please notify the company that you are writing this blog or website. You are not authorized to speak on behalf of the company.
You are prohibited from writing information on your blog or website that is considered proprietary or confidential. Confidential or proprietary information can include product information and releases, company or marketing strategies and plans, or any other information that has not already been released to the public. If you are not sure what is considered proprietary and confidential, consult with JUST LED US Inc prior to your postings.
Company logos or trademarked items may not be used without prior written authorization from the company. Permission failure to receive authorization without company is grounds for dismissal.
You may not sell or promote any service or product that would directly compete with the company without written permission.
The contents of your blog or website should always treat the company and its employees and customers with respect. No name calling or negative behavior will be tolerated as this will reflect poorly onto morale and the company. Unfounded accusations, name calling or using trademarks or logos without company permission are grounds for dismissal.
You must consider the privacy rights of your fellow employees. If you are choosing to write about them you should obtain their permission prior, to ensure you are not infringing on their right of privacy.
If a consumer or a salesperson finds an unauthorized person portraying themselves as an official sales representative on any social media site and that if such allegation is found to be true through investigation done by JUST LED US Inc head office and the social media site in particular JUST LED US Inc will issue a reward for the forthcoming, honest and ethical efforts associated to up keeping customer trust and value at the forefront of service.
No malicious or false reports will be tolerated.
You are legally liable for anything you write online. Anything that infringes of the rights of the company or could cause a hostile work environment is subject to disciplinary action by the company.
Media Contact
Any reference to our company, products, customers or employees should be coordinated with the Resource Department at JUST LED US Inc.
It is mandatory to place this document in the directory of your social media outlets (pages, channels, etc) which you plan to use as a representative. Placing this document in public view will establish yourself as an employee or independent sales rep of the company. This is deemed most appropriate as potential customers and clients will also be able to identify you as an officially.
Revision Number: 03112015
©2015 JUST LED US Inc.