
Geo-tagging enabled information services can potentially be used by customers to find location-based Representatives and Stores who host JUST LED US Inc. products, product relations, customer sales and certifications for customer service. Both Reps and Stores will benefit as they will be listed on our website contact page showing geographic location of where they can be contacted as representatives of JUST LED US Inc. and stores who carry our brand.


Locating a Representative

This avenue has been developed to further help with customer related needs and so that Reps & Stores have the ability to keep their preexisting clients.

When a customer contacts our site and asks for nearest representative we will check database and guide the client to make sure that they understand the benefits of contacting their personal representative, or the next closest representative.

Due to privacy policies Representatives and Store Information will vary for public display.


• Name, Social Seller Status, and Phone Number, Cell Number, Fax number, Email Address. The representative’s physical address or location will not be available.


• Business/Company Name, address, phone number and logo.

For reasons of timeliness and convenience, a customer will be placed into contact with another Rep or Store if…

  • Customer has moved and is not in the same geographical location (or)
  • In the case where Rep no longer employs themselves with JUST LED US Inc. (or)
  • If store no longer carries the JUST LED US Inc. brand.

JUST LED US Inc. believes in giving supportive, excelling service by placing customers’ needs at the forefront.  We do not believe in STRANDING a client.   To achieve this we will strive to use a combination of staff, tools, and processes to successfully scale customer service in a timely manner.  This is the future of customer engagement for the entitled existing customers and also potential clients, this is primarily to build trust and promote support.

The customer’s experience in commerce are individualized, therefore if a customer or client prefers to contact JUST LED US Inc, they are also welcome to do so.